South American Journal of Herpetology
South American Journal of Herpetology, published by the Brazilian Society of Herpetology, publishes work related to the biology of amphibians and reptiles, including theoretical, descriptive, comparative, inferential, and experimental studies and taxa from anywhere in the world.

    The South American Journal of Herpetology (SAJH) is an international journal published by the Brazilian Society of Herpetology that aims to provide an effective medium of communication for the international herpetological community. SAJH publishes peer-reviewed original contributions on all subjects related to the biology of amphibians and reptiles, including descriptive, comparative, inferential, and experimental studies and taxa from anywhere in the world, as well as theoretical studies that explore principles and methods.


Print ISSN: 1808-9798

Online ISSN: 1982-355X

Current: Dec 2024 : Volume 33 Issue 1

BioOne Member Since: 2007

Frequency: Triannual

Impact Factor: 0.7

Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: ZOOLOGY 138/180

Journal Citation Indicator: .42

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